Hoy una de nuestras chicas nos ha contado en qué ha consistido el día:
''Hemos picado 5 colonias de cadmio, arsénico y cobre para hacer la PCR y al mismo tiempo, hemos puesto a crecer el medio líquido. Por otra parte, hemos hecho una nueva digestión de la construcción de mercurio, dado que la anterior no había dado resultado y a la vez, hemos abierto el vector para luego incorporar la construcción en él. Y eso no ha sido todo: también hemos hecho el preinóculo de la construcción del nitrato con yellow.''
Por cierto, tenemos una gran noticia que daros: por fin hemos obtenido resultados positivos en las pruebas de inducción con la construcción de nitrato y BLUE. ¡Así que podemos decir que tenemos una primera construcción finalizada!
Veremos como transcurre el resto de la semana... ¡seguiremos informando!
Today one of our girls has told us about the lab day:
''We have chopped 5 colonies of cadmium, arsenic and copper to make the PCR and at the same time, we have grown the liquid medium. On the other hand, we have made a new digestion of the construction of mercury, since the previous one had not given result and we have opened the vector and then incorporate the construction into it. And that has not been all: we have also made the preinocle of the construction of nitrate with yellow.''
We'll see how the rest of the week goes by ...we will continue informing!
Today one of our girls has told us what the lab work has consisted in during the day:
"We have chopped 5 colonies of arsenic, cooper and cadmium in order to do the PCR and we have left them growing in liquid medium. At the same time, we have done a new digestion of the mercury construction, since the previous one hadn't given positive results, including the promoter in the divided vector we have prepared. That's not all, we have prepared the nitrate with YELLOW preinoculum as to start a new induction test.
By the way, we have good news for all of you: We have finally obtained positive results in the induction test run on nitrate and BLUE. So we can say we already have one finished construction!
We'll se how the rest of the week goes on... we'll keep you informed!