Hoy hemos ido a la casa de cultura de Villava, para acercar la ciencia a los niños de entre 6 y 12 años. Habíamos preparado una serie de actividades para realizar con ellos. Para comenzar, les hemos dado una breve explicación sobre la biología sintética y posteriormente les hemos explicado qué era una célula, un glóbulo blanco y una bacteria y les hemos pedido que los pinten, y con ellos hemos realizado un concurso. Tras ello, utilizando los dibujos se han divido en grupos, en los que cada uno tenía una función: las bacterias pillar a células y los glóbulos blancos defenderlas. Otro juego ha consistido en jugar a un pañuelo especial con preguntas. Finalmente, hemos realizado dos experimentos: el primero, crear un fluido no newtoniano (explicándoles sus fundamentos) y recrear la erupción de un volcán. Los niños han disfrutado mucho de la mañana.
Today we have gone to the Villava's culture house (a neighbourhood in our city), to bring science closer to children from 6 to 12 years. In order to do it, we had prepared a series of activities to do with them. To begin with, we have given them a brief explanation about synthetic biology and afterwards, we have explained them the appearance of cells, bacteria and white blood cells and we have asked them to draw the image they had from the explanation. We have then done a contest with the resulting drawings. Later, using the drawings we have divided them in groups, in which each of them had a function according to their drawing: the bacteria had to catch the cells and the white blood cells had to protect them. Another game has consisted in playing handkerchief with special science questions. We have finally carried out two experiments: the first one, creating a non-Newtonian fluid (explaining them its fundaments) and recreating a volcano eruption. We hope the children have enjoyed the morning and we have made them a little bit more curious about science.